Reading List 2023

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  1. Atomic Habits
    Author: James Clear
    Link: Amazon
    An excellent reminder that we can all be a little bit more disciplined with ourselves, at least once a day. This book has helped me to "try to" start work a little bit earlier. Get 1 extra thing done each day. To go the extra mile. Because, after a full 365, that grand total of all those +1's puts us ahead in slight ways that are extremely beneficial in the long run.

  2. Can't Hurt Me
    Author: David Goggins
    Link: Amazon
    I obsessed over this book from, I believe, early 2022 to early 2023. I've read through my personal copy multiple times and have marked up the pages. I've taken notes in my Notes app, set calendar reminders, and even bought 3-4x extra copies to give out to some close friends. This book honestly changed how I view life and our experience in it. It made the relationships with my family, partner, and most importantly my relationship with myself so much stronger. At face value, Can't Hurt Me is a book of horror stories from David's life. That alone can make it a great read/listen, but pretty soon you realize David is on to something. He's a crazy, infectious dude, and I'll always be on the lookout for what he's doing next.

  3. Kiss me like a stranger
    Author: Gene Wilder
    Link: Amazon
    Haven't started this one yet.

  4. Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
    Author: Peter Attia
    Link: Amazon
    Haven't started this one yet.